Works to, or near, Boundaries and Party Walls have an impact on the adjoining property. Recent changes in property law clarifies the entitlements of both the person proposing to do the works, and the adjoining neighbour.
A building owner proposing to do works generally has a builder or architect advising him. It is important that the adjoining owner has advice that looks after his interests. Mypartywall are experienced in all issues with respect to Party Walls, and with Professional qualifications in Architecture and/or Building Surveying.
This is not an issue of conflict – just professional advice. This can also help to avoid a boundary dispute. This is in the interest of both parties, and we have acted for either side, and also jointly.
This can safeguard against costly mistakes. See our tips below, and the Case Study Page.
Paul has vast experience in property matters. He is a registered Architect,
and also runs a Building Surveying Practice. He has a Certificate in Party
Wall Studies, is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and
holds a Diploma in Arbitration.
With nearly thirty years experience
in boundary issues, he brings a wealth of knowledge to every Party Wall
issue. Paul has delivered lectures to Solicitors Practices on Party Wall
McCann Fitzgerald: "Feedback has been very positive and colleagues found your talk very informative and helpful"
Arthur Cox:"Colleagues felt the presentation was very informative on an area that, otherwise, does not get much exposure. The use of case studies and images to illustrate the practical implications and interpretation of the legislation was very helpful"
Bernard is a registered Architect, and has both Engineering and Architectural
Technician Diplomas. He is also a director of a Building Surveying Practice.
has been involved in advising on boundary and Party Wall issues for all of
his career, acting for both Building Owners and Adjoining Owners. He has a
pragmatic approach backed by technical knowledge, and has excellent
interpersonal skills.
"Good fences make good neighbours."– 18th century proverb.
You and your neighbour have to continue to live in close proximity after the works are complete. Whatever happens, there is a risk that relations between you and your neighbour will be adversely affected due to works being carried out, and every effort should be made to eliminate this possibility. Here are some tips:
Talk to your neighbour! Communication of both neighbours' interest can help to avoid ill feeling. Even if you are intending that works be carried out within your own grounds, informing your neighbour will help alleviate concerns. Do this well before the builder turns up.
Be open to compromise. The nature of the works proposed should be made known. The opinion of the adjoining neighbour should be sought and considered. Conflict can be avoided by compromise.
New Party Wall. Be open to establishing a new Party Wall when extending a property – properly planned this will maximise space for both parties.
Information. Provide clear information. Have drawings prepared, and discuss on site the details. Often dispute arises subsequently due to misunderstanding height, location, materials being used, and other details.
Access. Discuss access required. This could be to finish the boundary properly, and the Land and Conveyancing Reform Act allows reasonable access. Often works are commenced without due consideration of practical aspects of finishing the far side of a new extension wall, and this should be clarified prior to commencing.
Schedule of Condition. It is inevitable that some disruption and damage will occur. Record and agree the condition of adjoining features – often damage is noticed that may have preceded the works, so photographs and written record (Schedule of Condition) should eliminate this possibility.
Insurance. When one owner is having works carried out, liability and insurance obligations should be clarified.
Say Thanks! When the project is complete, it is worthwhile giving the neighbour a small gift - flowers, bottle of wine, chocolates – some gesture to acknowledge gratitude for putting up with any inconvenience. Often this will disarm any pent up feelings and restore good relations.
Finally, perhaps it is worth considering a reworded proverb:
"Good neighbours make good fences"
Before you contact us, we suggest you consider these
Works at or near the boundary can give rise to dispute. We can advise. Who we are. Tips for Property Owners
Case studies give examples of situations and the advice given. Extensions, garage and attic conversions, new Party Walls, a new adjoining house...
What is a Party Wall? ...My neighbour is proposing to build…Schedule of Condition… Should I object to Planning Permission?.... Where is the legal boundary?... Repairing damage… How much will it cost?