John and Ann live in a terraced house. Over a two year period, the neighbours on either side decided to build extensions.
The first proposal only came to light when the extension had already commenced. We reviewed the drawings with the neighbour’s Architect and advised on amendments to ensure that fire integrity was maintained, as well as detailing to eliminate potential problems with damp penetration.
Agreement was also reached in relation to maintaining privacy by raising part of the boundary wall, as a new window was turned to face towards the client’s property.
The second proposal involved building along the party wall, and raising a section of roof. Following review of the drawings with the neighbour’s builder, the roof pitch was amended to reduce overshadowing of the clients patio, and eliminate the need for an overhanging gutter.
The cost of all work was borne by the neighbours in each case.
Thanks for all your help in dealing with the extension our neighbours built.
While they had informed us that they were thinking of extending, it was only when the builders were on site that we focussed on the potential impact on our house.
You eased our concerns with a professional approach to the issues that you advised of, and the adjustments that were required.
Best of all, we have been able to retain good relationships with our neighbours, yet have the comfort of knowing that there are no future issues.
My only regret is that we did not contact you for advice when our neighbours first mentioned their proposal.
John McC
EG’s concerns started with noisy drilling to the party wall to her semi-detached house. We met with the builder and received a briefing on the proposal to convert the attic.
The existing water tanks had been removed for relocation. However, the support for the tanks consisted of steel that passed through the party wall and supported the corresponding tanks in the adjoining attic. As a result, it was akin to a see-saw arrangement, and the removal of the tanks from one side resulted in the corresponding tanks being inadequately supported. The tanks had already started to move.
The drilling to the wall had been due to new structural timbers being proposed to be built into the wall. We directed additional support to be provided under the clients tanks, and ensured that the holes formed in the wall for support did not compromise the fire separation between the two houses, and were in accordance withBuilding Regulations.
Both house owners benefitted from the input of Mypartywall. The cost of both the support to the tanks and the fees associated with the advice were paid by the neighbour.
Thank goodness I contacted Mypartywall. Without the assessment and advice of the recommended Party Wall Surveyor, I could have ended up with my house damaged by water , or worse still, destroyed by fire.
The professionalism and expertise was impressive in all the dealings with the neighbours and the builder.
An elderly client was approached by the neighbour, who wished to convert their adjoining garage and also provide a first floor extension over.
Mypartywall advised on the need to ensure that the foundations were adequate for the extra floor, the fire separation, amended drainage and the flashing and integrity of the roof finish to the client’s garage.
The works were agreed to be carried out in such a way that the client could carry out a similar conversion and extension with minimum problems in the future.
Through Mypartywall, my parent received advice on the best options and the impact on their house. This reduced the stress and worry of the entire procedure, and it is comforting to know that the works were overviewed to safeguard standards
When TM’s neighbours informed him that they were proposing to build an extension to their adjoining semi-detached house, he contacted Mypartywall. He had concerns as the builders wanted to demolish the garden wall, as it was very close to the new side wall to the extension.
Weoutlined the options to TM, and in the course of this TM mentioned that he hoped to extend at some time.We advised how a new party wall could be constructed now, that would have the flexibility to serve as the new wall to any future extension by TM and his family. Both houses gained valuable room width in avoiding building two walls
By allowing the wall to be built to details provided by the expert, the cost of the wall was borne by the neighbour and with a contribution by TM so that he has the beneficial right to use the wall.
Thank you for all your guidance in advising us of the options available. If we had just let the works proceed without your advice, it would have resulted in greater cost and disruption in the long term.
This is a very common issue, and where the proposal is to repalce or incorporate the boundary wall in a new structure.
A recent case involved the extending and raising of the wall to a previous utility room built on the boundary. We advised as to the rights - that there was not an entitlement to do either. However agreement was reached with some amended detailing lowering the wall and acknowledgement that the adjoining owner could use it in the future.
Another case involved a wall that was in poor condition and needed to be rebuilt. There were also original coal houses. One owner wanted to build an extension. It was agreed that this would be allowed forming a new Party Wall and construction of a new shed. The remainder of the garden wall was rebuilt, and details included ensuring the drainage was adequately protected.
The grandson of an elderly woman contacted Mypartywall as the neighbours had approached with plans for a new mews house beside her property. The proposal was to build close to the party boundary, which we advised would leave an inadequate space for maintaining either flank wall.
We advised on the manner in which the adjoining building should interface with the existing house.
However, the neighbour proceeded with lodging a planning application as originally proposed.
We lodged an objection to the planning application on behalf of the client, and planning permission was refused.
A neighbour constructed an extension and the roof and gutter oversailed the existing wall to to our client's garage. Issues arose in relation to where the leagl boundary was, and what would occur if it was proposed to construct an extension over the garage.
We established that the garage was constructed entirely within the lands of our client and the extension roff had to be amended to eliminate oversailing.
Client's first contact often seeks advice on whether a wall is a party wall. A boundary wall is not neccessarily a Party Wall - it could be owned outright by either neighbour.
Our investigations will include measuring the property and features, and also surrounding setting - for example comparing the other boundaries. It will also include comparing title maps, which should give vital information to aid in identifying the actual location of the legal boundary.
Even where a wall is not a Party Wall, either owner may have entitlements where maintenance, survey or building works are proposed. Under the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act, the precise location of the boundary may be academic in relation to allowing works and access. We advise in relation to these matters.
Works at or near the boundary can give rise to dispute. We can advise. Who we are. Tips for Property Owners
Case studies give examples of situations and the advice given. Extensions, garage and attic conversions, new Party Walls, a new adjoining house...
What is a Party Wall? ...My neighbour is proposing to build…Schedule of Condition… Should I object to Planning Permission?.... Where is the legal boundary?... Repairing damage… How much will it cost?